Who what where when why?

>> Mar 9, 2010

Yup, it's my day for the blog challenge and I'm interviewing you on your 2010.

Here are the questions

Who is one person you want to see this year, or spend more time with?
I'd like to spend more quality time with my husband this year. I'd like to do 'date nights' or such. My in-laws were gracious enough to watch my kids sunday night so Tony & I went to dinner and saw Avatar (horrible movie) but was still so fantastic to just get out and get away for a few hours and not have the constant drone of 'mama, mama, mama, mama, mama..." I love my kids but when you don't take care of the adult side of yourself it gets frustrating. I see myself with less patience towards the craziness the boys bring into my life. My goal is to have a night out at least every month, month and a half. Even if it's just for dinner or to shop without a stroller.

What is one thing you would like to do?
This year I'd like to get together with scrappy friends. I do something each year that is scrap related. Last year I was blessed and got to do a WIP Kit retreat and a CKU. This year with the new house and a tighter budget it will be harder. Fortunately, some of the GIS gals are discussing a possible fall retreat and I surely hope it pans out. I would love to meet some and see some again.
Where is one place you'd like to go?
I'd like to head to Death Valley. I have no idea why really just think it's one of those things I'd like to be able to say I've been there.
Why is this year going to be different than others?
This year is going to be different because we have a new house and with it, a pool. I see many BBQ's and lots of kids in our backyard ALL summer.
When the year is over what is the one thing you want to be able to say you did?
At the end of the year I want to be able to say I lost 25lbs. And if not the full 25lbs at least be down a size.

For the chatty girls.. answer this bonus question:

How are you making time for you this year?
I am trying. I was doing well but faltered. I'm back to asking someone to babysit a few hours every other week or so just so I can do whatever I want. This thursday if it pans out, I'll be seeing Alice in Wonderland. I'm excited. I am a weird person who actually enjoys seeing movies alone. I like going with others as well but if no one truly WANTS to see the movie, I'd rather go alone.

So that's my 2010 in 6 questions :)


Melanie H March 09, 2010  

Tami, I hope you and DH do get to have those date nights. It is very important to have adult time as welll and family time wiht the kids.

Mel (from GIS)

Jane,  March 10, 2010  

I go to movies alone too Tami. Sometimes your own company is better than dragging along a reluctant, over critical companion.

Tamarra March 10, 2010  

Jane, exactly! LOL

Cheryl McCain March 10, 2010  

Great post Tami. I too love reading about everyone. TFS!

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