Giving myself a time-out

>> Dec 23, 2011

There's a lot on my plate right now... I wont get into it it's nothing major by any means just a lot going on in different directions.  I'm in the middle of moods.. I'm too tired to pretend to be Pollyanna and too afraid to say much and sound like Scrooge.  Let's just say I'm in the middle where real life resides.  For that reason, I'm taking a moment to blog.

It is in this time that my husband sometimes just is perfect.  Through all of this he's just being there and letting me vent and venting his own woes with the things going on his life and we are just listening and not really telling each other to let it go or stop overreacting as we sometimes may do.  We're just giving each other the "that sucks".

At one point the other morning, I was feeling bad that I forgot to move our Elf on the Shelf (again) and made a joke "worst mom ever Eli's probably got leg cramps from being in that spot for the 3rd day" and he just said "do you have any idea how many homes don't even have an elf on the shelf?" ... yeah perfectly perfect response.

My secret revealed

>> Dec 3, 2011

As I teased in an earlier post I have been working diligently on a new project and now it's time to share...

Let me introduce you to Creative Passion Classes...

Goodbye - 30 Days of Thanks

>> Nov 10, 2011

I'm very sorry to report that I wont be participating in 30days of thanks this year. There are two reasons, first there was an incident involving my boys and a bully.  I'm trying to take care of this situation and keep my family's wits together.  It takes priority over my blog world.  Secondly, I have a major announcement and although I hate to be one of those 'teasers'; I have to be as it isn't for me to reveal at this time.  It will be very soon I promise.  In the meantime, here is a photo of two of my favorite people in the entire world.

Austin & Kyle you honestly make me proud every day, I love you.  I am so very blessed to be your mom.

#30daysofthanks Day 2 - The Power of Coincidence

>> Nov 2, 2011

It was definitely a "I'm missing my family" day...

#30daysofthanks Day 1 - Halloween Candy

>> Nov 1, 2011

If you catch my One Month at a Time post over at Get It Scrapped (it should post within the next day or two) you'll have heard me talk about the 30DaysofThanks.  Here's post one but I did use a different digital template.  Just saw these freebies and fell in love with them.  Head over to the Kaylaaimee Blog and snag them!

At any rate here's my day 1 complete with a photo taken yesterday.  See photo every day AND being thankful.. hello two birds see my stone?

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